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County Court Judgements (CCJs)

These data consist of County Court Judgement Records aggregated to the Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOA) level. They are available from 2015 onwards for England, Wales and Scotland.
The data are supplied by the Registry Trust and contain information on County Court Judgement Records (CCJs). A CCJ is a type of court order that is registered against a borrower if they fail to make repayments on a debt. They are used by creditors to reclaim the money owed, and are issued in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Scotland uses a different method called ‘enforcing a debt by diligence’.
The safeguarded MSOA level CCJ dataset includes details of the numbers and values of judgements. For detailed description of the columns contained within the data, see the Variable Dictionary; and for an overview of the characteristics of the data, see the Data Summary. These files can be downloaded from the bottom of this page.
Secure level CCJ datasets are also available at the individual record level, and Lower Layer Super Output Area level . However, neither the safeguarded nor the secure datasets include valid creditor information for England nor Wales. This means that no information is included about those who have issued the CCJs.
Older data from 2001 to 2015 are available upon request. From 2001 to 2008 data is provided for England and Wales only, from 2008 to 2015 data is avaialable for both England, Wales and Scotland.
Quality, Representation and Bias
Quarterly data has been aggregated to an annual dataset. There is a total of 9 years of data, but for some years the data are not complete, with fewer than 7201 observations.

University of Liverpool
Additional Info: 


Statutory registers


Data provided by the Consumer Data Research Centre, an ESRC Data Investment: ES/L011840/1, ES/L011891/1. Please check for any additional attribution requirements mentioned within the files.




Around 8500

Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location
Great Britain
Temporal Coverage
January 2016 to December 2024
Registry Trust Ltd; CDRC
Contact Name
Maurizio Gibin
Contact Email
POLYGON ((-7.9025538661 49.9349807229, -7.9025538661 60.9608607872, 1.8972508214 60.9608607872, 1.8972508214 49.9349807229))
License Not Specified

Data Extent

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License Not Specified